Analog Watches

LED scoreboard for indoors

Type MODUL-BT6730-ALPHA-12P-H15
Technical specifications

Scoreboard for use in large sports halls at international competition level
Applicability for all popular indoor sports (Basketball FIBA level 2 and 3, Handball, Volleyball
international level, Tennis, Table tennis, Badminton, Netball, Rink hockey, Floorball, Futsal,
Wrestling, Boxing, Squash, Cricket)
Extra bright LED display of scores (3 digits per team), current playing time (4 digits),
team fouls (1 digit per team) and game period(1 digit), furthermore signal dots for indication of
fouls and time outs
variable team names through integrated text line, easy programming via main remote control unit
(no PC necessary)
Use as ticker outside of game
Including add-on module for display of player fouls per team at basketball via 5 LED signal dots
per player, furthermore display of score per player (2 digits per player)
Including add-on module for display of 2 penalty times per team
Countdown display of time outs
Including add-on module for variable display of 12 player numbers and player names per team
Use as time display outside of game
Adjustable brightness via remote control unit possible at any time, also during game
Including integrated signal-horn (sounds automatically at every end of game period and activation
manually at any time)

Technical specifications:
Housing: Steel, for indoor use
Protection classes: IP20, IK09, norm DIN 18032
Dimensions (WxHxD): Totally 6830 x 2770 x 80 mm
Base module 2300 x 1300 x 80 mm
Player foul modules 855 x 2770 x 80 mm each
Penalty time module 2300 x 1055 x 80 mm
Player name modules 1380 x 2770 x 80 mm each
Sound level of signal-horn: 120 dB in 1 m
Background: Black
Variable display: LED dot-matrix
Scores (0-999): 300 mm digit height, red
Playing time (00:00): 300 mm digit height, yellow
Game period: 250 mm digit height, yellow
Team fouls: 250 mm digit height, red
Penalty times (0:00): 200 mm digit height, red
Player numbers at penalty times: 200 mm digit height, yellow, two-digit
Individual score/player: 150 mm digit height, red
Variable player numbers (1-99): 150 mm digit height, yellow
Variable player names: 150 mm digit height (max. 12 characters), yellow
Signal dots for time-out: 3x yellow per team
Signal dots player fouls: 4x yellow and 1x red for each player
Variable team names: 200 mm digit height (max. 10 characters), yellow
Ticker function: 200 mm digit height (max. 60 characters), yellow
Readability: Up to 150 m
Reading angle: 160°
Power supply: 100…240 V AC
Maximum power consumption: 3827 W
Weight: 560 kg

MODUL-BT-SCOREPAD-A: Radio remote control unit with touchscreen
(2 pieces in master/slave operation)
BT-DCF-ANT: DCF-77 radio synchronisation antenna

Productfile MODUL-BT6730-ALPHA-12P-H15_scoreboard_indoors_01.pdf

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