Analog Watches

LED scoreboard for indoors

Type MODUL-BT8T225-F10+BP
Technical specifications

Scoreboard for national use in sports halls and gyms of schools
Indoor sports: Basketball, handball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, rollhockey,
floorball, futsal.
Extra bright LED display of scores (3 digits per team), current playing time (4 digits), countdown of
2 penalty times per team or display of last individual foul or countdown of time outs or result of former set, team fouls (1 digit per team) and game period (1 digit), of player fouls with variable player number, furthermore signal dots for display of time outs plus display of ball possession/service
Use as time display outside of game
Adjustable brightness via remote control unit possible at any time, also during game
Including integrated signal-horn (sounds automatically at every end of game period and activation
manually at any time)

Technical specifications:
Housing: Steel, for indoor use
Protection class: IP20, IK09, norm DIN 18032
Dimensions (WxHxD): 3410 x 2000 x 65.5 mm
Sound level of signal-horn: 120 dB in 1 m
Fixed labelling: "HOME" and "GUEST" (yellow, height of 120 mm)
Scores: 250 mm digit height, red
Playing time: 250 mm digit height, yellow
Game period: 150 mm digit height, yellow
Team fouls: 150 mm digit height, red
Penalty times: 200 mm digit height, yellow
2-digit player number (fouls): 100 mm digit height, yellow
Signal dots player fouls: 4x yellow and 1x red per player
Signal dots: 3x yellow per team
Readability: approx. 120 m
Reading angle: 160°
Power supply: 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Maximum power consumption: 112 W
Weight: 160 kg

Remote control unit
Sports: Basketball, volleyball, football, handball, tennis, futsal, table tennis, judo,
roll hockey, floorball, inline hockey, badminton, mini-basket, ice hockey, karate, multisport,
training function.
Large 7“ touchscreen for  easy navigation and excellent readability
By customising the functions and team colours the touchscreen control panel enables
configuration of display and buttons for each sport
You can also enter text for team and player names as well as messages
The control panels are adapted to different sports functions
Four buttons on the side of the touchscreen allow quick access (play time/horn/reset)
Transfer of the game information to scoreboards, video displays or to a TV screen
Can be used mobile thanks communication via radio or WiFi and built-in rechargeable battery
Updates of the game rules for each sport as well as the storage of configurations and settings are
made via the USB port
Including 230VAC plug-in power supply

Technical data of control panel:
Connections: 1x USB A for loading data via an USB stick,
1x RJ45 for network connection, 1x USB B for secondary remote control unit or a PC, 1x HDMI (resolution 1280x720 pixels - 720p), 1x mini DIN socket with interlock for the sport data bus, 2x RJ12 for additional remote control units, 1x jack socket for power supply and recharge the battery, 1x green LED to indicate the mains connections and 1x reset button
Touchscreen: 152 x 91 mm
Resolution: 800 x 480 pixel
Dimensions (L x H x D): 380 x 200 x 22/61 mm (1.2 kg)
Operating temperature: 0…+40 °C
Protection class: IP20 / class III

BT-DCF-ANT: DCF-77 radio synchronisation antenna
MODUL-BT-BP-TASTE: Remote start/stop handset
MODUL-BT-SCOREPAD-AK2: Backup battery for longer runtime

Productfile MODUL-BT8T225-F10_BP_scoreboard_indoors_01.pdf

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