The barrier-free emergency call - accessible to all

Our barrier-free emergency call is revolutionising the emergency call market. People in emergency situations can call for help quickly and safely at the touch of a button.

For people with speech and hearing impairments, there is an additional input option via the touchscreen. Comprehensible pictograms and clear texts in German and English appear on the screen, making it possible to communicate the nature of the emergency.

That's why our emergency call system is indispensable:

  • Inclusivity: Ein Notrufsystem, das alle Menschen einbezieht – unabhängig von körperlichen oder sprachlichen Einschränkungen.

  • Quick assistance: Immediate connection to the control centre, which initiates all necessary steps, from determining the location to alerting the police or rescue services.

  • AccessibilityBraille, tactile symbols and easy-to-understand pictograms - for an emergency call system that everyone can use.

  • Reliability: Highest quality standards from Austria - robust, user-friendly and safe.

Haben Sie Fragen?

Ing. Stefan Zodlhofer

Ing. Stefan Zodlhofer
+43 1 61055-263

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Haben Sie Fragen?

daniel lind

Ing. Daniel Lind
+43 1 61055-203

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